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What is Bancroft TMC about?

Built between 1949 and 1951, Bancroft consists of 603 homes in five storey blocs with a number of terraced houses and smaller blocks of maisonettes and single person dwellings. The estate belongs to the London Borough of Tower Hamlets.

Our History

A Tenant Management Co-Operative is the highest form of tenant participation in which the tenants and leaseholders in a particular area or estate take on responsibility for the day-to-day management of their estate. The Council still owns the properties and tenants still remain their secure tenants.

Bancroft Tenant Management Cooperative was set up in 1992 by residents under the “Right to Manage” legislation 1994. It has taken over the management of caretaking, repairs, cleaning and general upkeep of the estate. The TMC was formed to ensure the highest level of attention is focused on the needs of the residents. The TMC has a committee which holds regular monthly meetings. The TMC board meetings are open to all member residents of the Estate. Membership of the TMC is also open to all residents upon payment of the 10 pence membership fee.

Our Homes

Bancroft Estate was built between 1949 & 1951. It consists of 603 homes in five storey blocks with a number of terraced houses and smaller blocks of maisonettes and single person dwellings. The estate belongs to the London Borough of Tower Hamlets.

All of the five storey blocks have lifts and controlled entry communal doors. There is a children’s play area and fenced sports pitches, one large grass area and several smaller greens and shrub beds.

About a third of homes has been sold under the Right to Buy and is mainly leasehold owned though there are a small number of freehold houses. The estate is between Bethnal Green and Stepney.

Our aims and objectives:

Bancroft TMC’s objective is to ensure the estate is maintained to the highest possible standards and to provide a first class service to the residents.

It is our desire to encourage new people to come forward and join in the discussions affecting the estate. We keep people informed via notice boards and newsletters and at General Meetings.

Bancroft TMC aims to:

Remove rubbish and clean graffiti from the estate as soon as it is identified
Keep all the entrance stairways clean and tidy, responding to need rather than sticking to schedules
Deliver a good service to all Estate residents according to their needs
Encourage active participation by residents and help foster a community on the estate
Carry out repairs according to the priorities stated on our policies and procedures
Manage tenancies to ensure the quiet enjoyment of residents
Check all common areas of the estate each day, identifying priorities and ordering works as necessary
Ensure that all residents can attend meetings and have access to information about activities of the TMC


General Data Protection Regulation:
May 2018 the Data Protection Act 1998 was superseded by the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016.
Bancroft TMC is a Data Controller as defined by the Regulation.